Month: January 2016

Thoughts from a Bookish Blogger!

Posted January 30, 2016 by Helena B in Thoughts / 1 Comment

Hi everyone!! So, I been thinking about doing a bookish update for a while. Where I update you on what is going on in the book community. But as I started this post today. I realized that I was going on about something completely different. So why not right. This is my blog after all. Hope you enjoy my incoherent thoughts

I sit here today and

realize the end of January has arrived. To me lately, time has been flying by. I remember a time in my life. Where I wished for time to hurry by. But now, now that I’m a bit older and wiser. I wish, I never had wish for such things.

One day I literally blinked and time Flew was gone. I felt like, I was in the passenger seat of car and everything around me just kept flying by at high speed. I sit here today and think of all the things, I been through and realize the mistakes and lessons I’ve learned. It is true you know, what they say. If I knew what I know now when I was younger. I would’ve saved myself a lot of heartache. But like every young teen/young adult I didn’t listen.

“But a mistake  should be your teacher, not your attacker. A mistake is a lesson, not a loss. It is a temporary, necessary detour, not a dead end.”

And I’ve learned from mine and it definitely detour my life to the right place. But not without heartache and hard lessons to be learned. Some lessons are harder than others. You just have to get through it as best as you can. Don’t dwell in the past for to long, don’t get caught up in the daydreams. Stop waiting for Friday, for summer, for someone to fall in love with you, for life. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now.

“Life is a precious gift. Use your days wisely”

I sit here today and wish that people would enjoy the time they have. To stop and breath once in awhile. Spend time with the people they love. To always express to others how they truly feel. Because life is short and you never know, what that day or the next will bring. I sit here today and wish for more time…


Waiting on Wednesday: Ruined by Amy Tintera

Waiting on Wednesday: Ruined by Amy Tintera

Hi everyone!! thank-you so much for stopping by today. Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine which spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating. My WoW for this week is… Title: Ruined Author: Amy Tintera Release Date:  May 3rd 2016 Publisher: HarperTeen Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult   Emelina Flores has […]

Posted January 27, 2016 by Helena B in Memes, WOW / 2 Comments

Review: Shallow Graves by Kali Wallace

Review: Shallow Graves by Kali Wallace

Title: Shallow Graves Author: Kali Wallace Release Date: January 26, 2016 Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books Source: ARC from publisher Genre: Paranormal, Young Adult I received a review copy courtesy of the author/publisher. This does not effect my opinion or views regarding the book whatsoever. For fans of Holly Black and Nova Ren Suma, a gripping, […]

Posted January 26, 2016 by Stacie C in Reviews / 0 Comments

2 Reviews: The Love that Split the World by Emily Henry

2 Reviews: The Love that Split the World by Emily Henry

Title: The Love that Split the World Author: Emily Henry Release Date: January 26th Publisher: Razorbill Source: Arc Tour Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Time Travel, Young Adult I received a review copy courtesy of the author/publisher. This does not affect my opinion or views regarding the book whatsoever.   Natalie Cleary must risk her future and leap blindly into […]

Posted January 24, 2016 by Helena B in Blog Tours, Reviews / 4 Comments

Waiting on Wednesday: The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi

Waiting on Wednesday: The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking the Spine, where you can spotlight an upcoming release you’re eagerly anticipating! Title: The Star-Touched Queen Author: Roshani Chokshi Release Date: May 3rd 2016 Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Mythology, Young Adult   Cursed with a horoscope that promises a marriage of Death and Destruction, […]

Posted January 21, 2016 by Helena B in Memes, WOW / 0 Comments

Life Lessons from Gayle Forman + Giveaway

Life Lessons from Gayle Forman + Giveaway

Hello, everyone! Today we celebrate the amazing work of  Gayle Forman. Penguin Teen has asked me to help them celebrate Gayle Forman paperback release of I WAS HERE, her newest young adult book, on January 26th. I am a hopeless romantic anything that involves love and romance, I’ll read and Gayle Forman is no exception. To show you how […]

Posted January 20, 2016 by Helena B in Posts / 0 Comments

Waiting on Wednesday: Summer of Supernovas by Darcy Woods

Waiting on Wednesday: Summer of Supernovas by Darcy Woods

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking the Spine, where you can spotlight an upcoming release you’re eagerly anticipating! Title: Summer of Supernovas   Author: Darcy Woods   Release Date: May 10th 2016   Publisher: Crown BFYR Genre: YA, Contemporary As the daughter of an expert astrologer, Wilamena Carlisle knows that the truth lies within the […]

Posted January 13, 2016 by Becky G in Memes, WOW / 2 Comments

Review: The Killing Jar by Jennifer Bosworth

Review: The Killing Jar by Jennifer Bosworth

Title: The Killing Jar Author: Jennifer Bosworth Release Date: January 12, 2016 Publisher: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux Source: ARC from publisher Genre: Paranormal, Mystery, YA Rated: 2.5 out of 5     “I try not to think about it, what I did to that boy.” Seventeen-year-old Kenna Marsden has a secret. She’s haunted by a violent tragedy she can’t explain. […]

Posted January 5, 2016 by Stacie C in Reviews / 0 Comments