I received this book for free from a Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Published by HMH Books for Young Readers on June 19th 2018
Genres: contemporary, Young Adult Fiction
Format: ARC
Source: Publisher
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For seventeen-year-old Maya, the equation for happiness is simple: a dream internship at MIT + two new science nerd friends + a perfect boyfriend = one amazing summer. Then Whit dumps her out of the blue.
Maya is miserable until she discovers that her scientist mother, before she died, was conducting research on manipulating pheromones to enhance human attraction. If Maya can finish her mother’s work, maybe she can get Whit back. But when her experiment creates chaos in her love life, she realizes that maybe love and loss can’t be understood using the scientific method. Can she learn to trust the unmeasurables of love and attraction instead?
Hello everyone, I hope you all have an amazing and wonderful day❤
As some of you already know, I’m a huge YA Contemporary fan😍 I love contemporary books with all my heart and so when I first read the synopsis of Chemistry Lessons I immediately added it to my TBR. The book sounded amazing and I just loved the idea of the MC trying to get her boyfriend back with the help of her mother’s research that was focused on trying to help people fall in love again. I thought it sounded super original and I just knew I had to read it, it sounded like my perfect kind of read.
After reading this book I can say that it is definitely a fun read, it made me laugh when I least expected and it made me swoon as well. Maya was someone who always knew what she wanted. She was happy with her father and her best friends and she had an amazing boyfriend but when he broke up with her, she was devastated. While she was trying to get him back with the help of Ann and her mother’s research, I loved how her friends – who didn’t know about the experiment – were always there helping her trying to move on.
One of the things I loved about this book was Maya’s relationship with her father and friends. Her father was always there supporting Maya, he always supported her decisions and was there for her friends as well. My favorite character was Bryan he’s just the best. I loved how confident he was of himself and how he supported Maya no matter what, he made me laugh a lot of times and kept surprising me till the very end. Yael and Kyle were amazing characters as well. I loved their whiff walks around town and I loved how creative they were, they were amazing and incredible friends and I just really enjoyed to read about them.
I personally didn’t like Maya’s boyfriend at all. I hated the reason why he broke up with her. While I appreciate that he was honest with her, I just didn’t like him… IT WAS NOT COOL! While reading the book I found myself cheering for the guy that I just knew would be perfect for her. He was cute, intelligent & funny❤❤❤
Meredith’s writing style was amazing, once I started to read the story I just couldn’t put the book down. I just wanted to know more about Maya’s experiment and her friends❤ It was an amazing and incredible story that will definitely make you laugh more than a few times😊
Have you guys heard about this book? Are you planning to read it? What are some of your favorite YA Contemporary books? Please let me know in the comments below❤
I wish that I requested this one of Netgalley when it was available! I love contemporary as well, and this sounds perfect for me. I also like that Maya’s friends and family were present. My least favorite thing about contemporaries is when they solely focus on the relationship and nothing else. It seems like Chemistry Lessons didn’t make that mistake!
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I agree!!! I hope you like it when you read it😊
All the science, nerdy stuff had me interested in this one, and now you say it’s funny. Sign. Me. Up. Sounds like a book I could love.
YAY! Can’t wait for you to read it❤️
It makes me so happy to know that there’s a strong and supportive family in this book. Parents tend to go MIA in most YA books. *added to my TBR*
YAY! Can’t wait to hear what you think, hope you like it 🙂